Our Climate crisis

what can you do?

>Use Public Transport
>Car Share
>Park and Stride
>Switch to an electric car if you are in a position to do so.

Reduce your meat and dairy consumption.
Implement a planetary health diet

Tips for reducing your meat and dairy consumption...
>Start with 'Meatless Mondays'
>Start by switching out dairy milk for a plant based alternative
>Start by switching butter for vegetable spread
>Check out the plant based ranges at your local supermarket
>Follow some vegan food accounts on instagram
>Join a Vegan community page on facebook
>Go vegan/meat-free during the week
>Set yourself a goal to go vegan for a month.... after that month can you go longer?
>Remind yourself of the positive impacts this diet change will have both on the planet and your overall health.

Tips for cutting out fast fashion...
>Buy from charity, 2nd hand and vintage shops (Enjoy buying items that have a history and a previous story)
>Unsubscribe to emails from fast fashion brands
>Buy quality items that will last long
>Re-use outfits
>Check your wardrobe- understand what you like and don't like and don't make the same mistakes.
>Ignore brief trends and fashion fads
>Unfollow fast fashion influencers and companies on social media
>Follow sustainable fashion influences and companies on social media
>Download the app 'Good On You' to learn more about the ethics behind most fashion brands (plus exclusive deals on sustainable fashion items)

>Take quick showers (Try limiting the karaoke session to one or two songs!)
> Use natural detergents such as vinegar to clean (Chemicals cleaners come in plastic bottles and release harmful substances)
>DO NOT EVER BUY A PLASTIC BOTTLE NO EXCUSE!! Don't tell me that you will re-use it for ages because a) that's kinda disgusting and b) ITS STILL PLASTIC GOING INTO LANDFILL AND OUR OCEANS!!!

>Buy organic vegan cruelty free make-up
>Buy from brands that do not use plastic packaging (Typology Paris, Lush etc)
>Use soap bars
>Use shampoo bars
>Say a big NO to make-up wipes (Most contain plastic and are not able to decompose)
>Use facial cleansing balms
>Use flannels
>Say hello to bamboo products (Toothbrushes etc)
> Cut down your beauty routine if possible (use less products)
> Check the ingredients list- what chemicals are being washed down the plug hole and also being put on you skin!
>Make your own products and store them in glass jars and containers

>Shop at Zero Waste Stores
>Tote bags not plastic bags
> Use Tupperwear, glass bottles and jars and ceramics.
>RECYLE RECYLE RECYLE!! Make sure you sort your recycling and know what can and can't be recycled. That is the bare minimum of your social responsibility.

>Meal prep
>Try not to over eat
>Download the app 'Too Good To Go' (You can purchase and pick up food that hasn't been sold but is still perfectly edible at a reduced price from local cafes, greengrocers, restaurants and even hotels)
>Try buying from companies such as "Odd Box"
>Buy food from the reduced 'has-to-go' section of the supermarket.
>If you can go fishing for food in the back bins of supermarkets- foods that they throw out at the end of the sale by date. (Obviously make sure it is suitable wrapped up)

>Grow food in your garden. Food is beautiful too. Fruit trees, plants, herbs.
>If not how about an allotment?
>Plant trees.
>Create community gardens within your neighbourhood.

>Turn off lights
>Reduce your use of central heating
>Reduce use of air conditioning
>Install solar panels for your home
>Use renewable energy companies such as bulb
>Make the insulation of your house better

Consider circles of community
1. Community of family and friends
2.Local neighbourhood Community
3.National Community
4.Global Community
>Sign petitions
>Hold each other accountable
>Preserve areas of natural environment
>Write letters to you MPs
>Attend protests

( Made with Carrd )